The School of Information Sciences (ESI) wins the 3rd Pedagogical Innovation Prize for its “ESI for Lifelong Learning” project:
This award, organized by the “Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)“, recognizes individual and collective projects in educational innovation from French-speaking higher education and research establishments. It also encourages the transfer and dissemination of educational innovation projects within the network of AUF member institutions.
The prize was presented during the 3rd edition of the “Semaine Mondiale de la Francophonie Scientifique (SMFS)“, organized by the AUF in Quebec City (Canada), from October 30 to November 3, 2023.
We are extremely proud of this distinction, which rewards ESI’s commitment to excellence and the hard work of the teaching team in developing innovative and creative approaches and methods that promote lifelong learning.
Discover the winners of the AUF 2023 Awards and Competitions (AUF Link)
Congratulations to ESI, to our project manager Pr Meriem HNIDA and to all those involved in this project…