Author: ESI

Moroccan Days of Future Data Scientists (MDFDS) Competition – 2024

Moroccan Days of Future Data Scientists (MDFDS) Competition – 2024

Le Club CODE de l’Ecole des Sciences de l’Information (ESI) a organisé la conférence d’ouverture des Journées Marocaines des Futurs Data Scientists (MDFDS) sous le thème : « Unveiling Morocco’s AI and Data Science Landscape: Bridging the Gap between Vision and Reality » et ce le Mercredi 05 juin 2024 à la salle des conférences de l’ESI. Les […]

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The International Conference on Cultural Engineering and Heritage Development –  First Edition (ICCEHD-2024)

The International Conference on Cultural Engineering and Heritage Development – First Edition (ICCEHD-2024)

The School of Information Sciences (ESI) is organizing in partnership with the UNESCO and The Arab Federation for Libraries and Information, its first “International Conference on Cultural Engineering and Heritage Development” on “Cultural and Creative Industries in Africa and the Arab World“. Rabat, December 4-5, 2024. Call for Papers The main objective of this first […]

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The School of Information Sciences (ESI) took part in a seminar on “Developing national cybersecurity skills: challenges and prospects”

The School of Information Sciences (ESI) took part in a seminar on “Developing national cybersecurity skills: challenges and prospects“, organized by the General Directorate for Information Systems Security. The contribution of Pr. BAHJI Salah Eddine (Director of ESI) to the panel on “Challenges linked to the match between training and employment” focused on : the […]

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Participation of ESI to the 4th Meeting of the Economic Intelligence African Associations Forum, and the 2nd Conference on Economic Intelligence of the National School of Business and Management of Dakhla.

Participation of ESI to the 4th Meeting of the Economic Intelligence African Associations Forum, and the 2nd Conference on Economic Intelligence of the National School of Business and Management of Dakhla.Under the High Patronage of His Majesty KING MOHAMMED VI, this event is organized by the Association for Studies and Research in Development, the National School of Business […]

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